Is Your Site Splitting Traffic by Page Views or Sessions?

Yottaa deliberately leaves a certain amount of traffic unoptimized. The unoptimized traffic allows Yottaa to create a baseline of metrics that measure how your site performs without Yottaa optimizations. Yottaa compares the unoptimized baseline traffic against your site's optimized traffic, to derive all the metrics that show how Yottaa optimizations are affecting your site's performance.

There are two ways that Yottaa splits traffic: by session or by page view.

Traffic Split Method Description
Session Yottaa decides up front whether to optimize each shopper session. An individual shopper's entire session is either optimized or unoptimized. This decision is done indiscriminatively.
Page View During a shopper's session, Yottaa decides whether to optimize each page view. In a given shopper's session, there might be a mixture of optimized and unoptimized page views. This decision is done indiscriminatively

To determine whether your site is splitting traffic by session or by page view:

  1. Log into the Yottaa Portal.

  2. Navigate to Settings > Site Actions.

  3. On the Site Actions page, look at Control A/B Test.

    It displays one of these values to indicate how Yottaa is splitting traffic on your site:

    (Disabled) Traffic is split at the page view level.
    (Enabled) Traffic is split at the session level.